Monday, November 15, 2010

~Table manners in Islam~

1. Most Muslims are unaware of this issue, but as Muslims, we must always be cautious when it comes to the food that consume ourselves and the food that we serve to others. Make a point to check the Halal sign or ingredients on food packaging before purchasing it, and to ensure we are served with halal food at restaurants or cafes.

Related verses from the Quran:
♦”O (you) Messengers! Eat of the Tayibaat (all kinds of Halal) [legal] foods which Allah has made legal (meat of slaughtered edible animals, milk products, fats, vegetables, fruits, etc), and do righteous deeds. Verily! I am Well-Acquainted with what you do ” [ Al-Muminuun 23:51 ]

2. Saying “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah) before eating or drinking is noble and loved by Allah. In this manner, it is important because according to the Prophet , the shaitaan shares food and drink with those people who DO NOT mention the name of Allah (swt).

- The Prophet informs us that shaitaan shares food and drink with those people who DO NOT mention the name of Allah.
- The pronouncement of Allah’s name beings blessing to the meal, and the omission of His Name robs the blessing away.

3. If we are blessed with two hands; use them wisely! Use your right hand to eat and drink, because it is a sunnah act from the Prophet.

Related hadiths:
•Narrated by Abu Salamh (r.a): The Prophet  said to me, “Mention Allah’s name (Bismillah) before starting to eat, eat with your right hand, and eat from what is near to you” [Bukhari & Muslim : Riyadhus Saliheen, chapter 100 #728 ]

4. The Prophet intensely dislikes his ummah (us!) to eat or drink while standing! So whenever you reward yourself with an ice cream or some milkshake; grab a chair and enjoy your share!

5. A human’s body is like a container; it can only fit in certain things and it’s limited! So fill your stomach with correct portions as taught by the Prophet so we can be healthy: 1/3 food, 1/3 water and 1/3 air for breathing. Moderation is the word!

6. Wastage of food and drinks is not only the act of the shaitaan, but it makes us ungrateful, so let’s try our best to avoid that! So the next time when you consume your food, be sure to have an empty plate or mug after eating!

terima kasih sudi datang dan baca di blog cik fieha ^^



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