-Dulu ade kucing..skrg xde dah..
What color shirt are you wearing?
Name three things that are physically close to you:
-Nset,my diary,buku
What is the last book you read?
-Community health nursing
Are you a good student?
-rasanya nye ok je kot..x tau la..hehe
Do you enjoy sleeping late?
-X la..nanti x cukup tido..ngantuk lam kelas..
What's the weather like right now?
-Cerah je skrg..
Who tells the best jokes?
-saya kot..kuang3
What was the last thing you dreamed about?
-Dah lame x mimpi..x igt la plak..
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
-bawak moto je..penah sekali terlanggar belakang kete..terkejut n pening2 jgk la -pas tu..hehe
Do you believe in karma?
-X pasti sgt..sbb penah denga dalam agama hindu mmg de hukum karma..dalam islam ada ke?
Do you believe in luck?
-Sudah semestinya…
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
-Buat koleksi novel…dulu penah collect perfume yg botol dia cantik2..hehe
Are you proud of yourself?
What's your favorite food?
-Asam pedas ibu sy masak..
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
-Gasoline?ape itu?
Do like to draw?
-Dulu minat..skrg x minat..
What do you like better: oranges or apples?
Can you read other people's expressions?
-Rasanya boleh kot.
Are you a bully?
-Buli ye…kadang2 de kot…
Do you have a job?
-Pelajar lagi skrg.
What time did you wake up this morning?
-6.30 pagi
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
-Biskut oat munchys..
When was the last time you showered?
-Kul 7.10 pagi tadi.
What do you plan on doing tomorrow?
-Pergi kelas je..
Do you have any nicknames?
-Fieha,fie,kak ha,adik
Have you ever been scuba diving?
-Belum lagi
What's your least favorite color?
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?
-Pk pasal diri sendiri..
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